Dr. Donald Ball, Jr.- Seventh through Twelfth grade Cantorum

Don Ball spent his formative years in rural Mississippi with cattle, crops, farm-raised catfish, and down-home cooking. He learned the joyous values of working hard with family and loving the Lord Jesus wholeheartedly. As a teenager, he chose the bi-vocational career path of church music and teaching. He holds a Bachelor of Music from Louisiana State University; a Master of Church Music from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky; and a Doctor of Ministry from McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago. He is a certified teacher in Music, English, and English as a Second Language subject areas. Some of Ball’s Texas posts include Music Minister at Trinity Methodist Church of Beaumont; Tyler Street Music Academy Director, Dallas; Choral Director/Assistant Director of Bands at Woodville; Instructor of Music at Lamar State College-Orange; and Opera Director at Lamar University. Volunteer work includes the Southeast Texas Youth Symphony board, directing the Wichita Falls Youth Symphony, and helping start and train the first Symphony Chorus of the Symphony of Southeast Texas. Don retired from music ministry in 2008 and public-school teaching in May of 2023. Directing Schola Cantorum is a great joy for him, and Veritas’ university schedule of two days per week allows him to visit grandchildren and publish music he and his friend, Allen Jones, have written. For fun, he enjoys walking, singing, playing the pipe organ at St. Paul’s Church of Orange, mowing, and taking care of his pet plant - though he has no idea what it is.



PO Box 5344
Beaumont, TX 77726

Upper School Campus (5-12):
530 N. Main St.
Beaumont, TX 77701

Primary School Campus (PK-4) at Westgate Baptist:
6220 Westgate Dr.
Beaumont, TX 77706

